The letters 64 in silver characters, around which a silver circle, surrounded by a thicker blue round letter C Cass Alexandru (they/them)

I’m a PhD student at the Working Group Programming Languages at the RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, supervised by Ralf Hinze. My current research topic is the application of categorical semantics of (dependent) type theory for writing (intrinsically) correct total algorithms (using structured recursion). I am currently investigating recursive coalgebras and bialgebraic semantics.

More broadly, I’m interested in the application of the full breadth of the theoretical arsenal to the problem of ergonomic use of dependently typed programming languages in practice, including but not limited to:
datatype-generic programming, recursion schemes, homotopy and simplicial type theory, substructural type systems, EDSLs, compiler construction, decision procedures, SMT, ATPs, proof/program synthesis

Online presence

I go by cxandru on most online forums, and also use the same profile icon everywhere, so I should be relatively easy to spot. My accounts on selected forums:




        author = {Alexandru, Cass},
        title = {Intrinsically correct sorting using bialgebraic semantics},
        institution = {Radboud University},
        type = {mathesis},
        year = {2023},
        file = {},
        url = {},
        author = {Alexandru, Cass},
        title = {Specifying Loops with Contracts},
        subtitle = {Reasoning about loops as recursive procedures},
        institution = {LMU Munich},
        type = {bathesis},
        year = {2019},
        file = {},
        url = {}

Unpublished Notes